Best Review Website "verified" ~ "verified*" ~ "verified^" The Boy Next Door (2015) Movie - Watch Online

The Boy Next Door (2015) Movie - Watch Online


The Boy Next Door (2015) Movie - Watch Online

The Boy Next Door (2015) Movie - Watch Online

A young man named Noah Sandborn and Claire have a passionate relation ship. She is unaware of the dangerous repercussions of her actions, though.

Release date: 23 January 2015 (India)
Director: Rob Cohen
Producers: Jennifer Lopez, Jason Blum, Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas, John Jacobs, Benny Medina
Budget: 40 lakhs USD
Distributed by: Universal Pictures
Box office: $52.4 million

72% liked this film

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Claire Peterson separates from her husband Garrett, after he was caught cheating with his secretary. Her colleague and best friend Vicky Lansing urges Claire to divorce. 19-year-old Noah Sandborn moves in next door to help his uncle, who uses a wheelchair. They learn that Noah is now an orphan following a fatal car accident in his family the previous year. 

Noah befriends Kevin, Claire's teenage son, and begins attending his school, where Claire teaches Classics. Noah is drawn to Claire by their mutual love for Homer's Iliad. With Kevin and Garrett away on a fishing trip, Noah catches Claire watching him change clothes through her window. Claire goes on a miserable double date with Vicky, her boyfriend Ethan, and his ill-mannered friend Benny. 

With Kevin still away, Noah calls Claire over to help him cook. She ends up having dinner with him, during which he unashamedly flirts with her. When Claire is about to leave, Noah stops her and kisses her passionately, and Claire eventually gives in and has passionate sex with Noah. The following morning, Claire wakes up and tells Noah that she regrets their night together, causing him to punch a wall in rage. 

The school year begins, with Noah joining Claire's class after hacking into her computer, making it appear as if she had requested this. Noah manipulates Kevin into hating his father, causing him to lash out at Garrett. Later, Kevin overexerts himself at gym class and goes into shock; Noah saves his life by injecting him with Kevin's EpiPen. 

Claire receives flowers from Noah, and she confronts him about it. After Noah witnesses Claire and Garrett together at home after going on a date, he has flashbacks of him and Claire having sex, as he escalates his obsession with her. After an incident where Noah — in defense of Kevin — slams a bully's head into a locker repeatedly, Vicky, who is vice principal at the school, discovers that Noah was kicked out of his previous school for disorderly conduct, and expels him after Noah insults her. Kevin prepares himself for his date with Allie at the fall fling, where Claire goes to investigate a leak in the boys' bathroom, where she sees the words "I fucked Claire Peterson" written on the wall before Noah emerges. He attempts to rape her, but she fends him off and demands that he stay away from her and Kevin, but Noah is unwilling to do so, under the delusional belief that Claire is willing to be with him. 

That same night, however, Noah has sex with Allie as Claire watches from her bedroom window. The following day, Noah leaves a printer running in Claire's classroom, with pictures of them sleeping together scattered everywhere. Later, when Garrett's car brakes fail to work, he and Kevin are nearly involved in an accident. That evening, Claire finds Noah with Garrett and Kevin in her drawing room. Noah attempts to blackmail Claire, telling her that he has a video of them having sex, which he will relinquish to her if she continues sleeping with him. She refuses, and has Vicky lure Noah away from his house so she can break in and delete their sex tape. 

While there, she finds nude pictures of herself all over the walls and on his laptop; she also finds instructions on how to tamper with the brakes of Garrett's car and Noah's parents' car. With the help of Ethan's detective friend, she learns the truth about the car accident in Noah's family. Noah binds and gags Vicky with duct tape and uses a recording of her voice to lure Claire to her house. When Claire arrives, she discovers Vicky dead. 

A horrified Claire contacts the police, but runs into Noah again. She accuses him of killing his parents, and he clarifies that his mother killed herself after his father cheated on her and he retaliated by cutting the brakes of his father's car, killing him and his mistress. Noah takes Claire to a barn house where he has tied up Garrett and Kevin, outlining his deluded notion that killing them will help him and Claire to start a new life together, and soon pours kerosene around the barn, causing it to ignite in flames. In the ensuing struggle, Claire finally destroys Noah's delusional love for her by stabbing his eye with Kevin's EpiPen. An enraged Noah attempts to kill all three, but Claire eventually pulls a lever that drops an engine on Noah, ultimately killing him. Claire and Kevin then help a wounded Garrett out of the burning barn house as police and paramedics arrive.

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