Best Review Website "verified" ~ "verified*" ~ "verified^" LETHAL SEDUCTION 2015 Movie - Watch Online

LETHAL SEDUCTION 2015 Movie - Watch Online

 LETHAL SEDUCTION 2015 Movie - Watch Online

LETHAL SEDUCTION 2015 Movie - Watch Online

A mother battles to shield her adolescent son from the predatory, older lady who is enamoured with him from making sexual approaches.

Initial release: 2015
Director: Nancy Leopardi

82% liked this film

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Since Whitney, The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe, and more of Lifetime's TV movies this year have stemmed from the lives of real celebrities, it's not crazy to wonder whether its latest movie, Lethal Seduction , is based on a true story. But no, Lethal Seduction is a completely original tale. To be more specific, it's an original sexual thriller/parental nightmare, in which a dangerous woman begins to pursue someone's helpless teenage son. Helpless, of course, because instead of being rightfully terrified by her crazed performance, he is a teenager in a (sort of) horror movie, and therefore almost dangerously interested in the possibility of sex. 

This all leads to even more horror-ready situations, so you might want to watch this one with the lights on. Despite the tropes, I wouldn't blame you for not realizing that this Lethal Seduction is an original Lifetime creation, because there are a lot of other things that have the exact same title, but totally different inspirations, including movies, songs, and books. However, there are actually some similarities between these Lethal Seductions and the one that will premiere on Lifetime on July 11 at 8 p.m. Here's how they all compare.

High-school senior Mark has never minded his overprotective widowed mother Tanya and is a good son to her as he prepares to go off to Princeton in the fall. One day, he goes to a hardware store where he meets attractive middle-aged widow Carissa, who convinces him to come fix the shower at her house. She seduces him and they have sex. When he comes under the spell of this rapacious, manipulative woman, he lands between two strong, unreasonable women--one of whom is insane. After learning that Carissa's ex-husband was found dead at her house, Tanya visits Carissa to make amends but Carissa rejects her and threatens to convince Mark to do whatever she wants, including cutting Tanya out of his life.

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