Complete information about what is hacking and its advantages and disadvantages
In the modern era, the use of computer and technology is increasing rapidly. Due to which almost everything has gone digital. You can also buy cow dung online.
As fast as we are getting accustomed to technology. Cybercrime (a crime committed through online activities) is also increasing at the same speed.
These cyber crimes are carried out - Hacking:-
Today our computer, even your smartphone is not safe from hacking. That's why it is important to have information about hacking.
In this article, we are giving you complete information about hacking. For the convenience of study, we have divided this article into the following parts.
What are hackings?
Simply put, hacking is a technology threat.
When a person finds weakness in your system function (computer, network, server etc.) for some purpose or steals, destroys or changes the data by modifying the system according to himself, this process is called hacking.
The person by whom this technical manipulation is carried out is called a hacker.
Hackers try to break into your computer or network in different ways. In these hacking techniques
1. Password detection
2. Find out about a technical glitch in the server or network
3. Collecting data through a variety of similar websites
4. Stealing computer information and destroying data by making bad and but useful software
5. Keeping an eye on the words typed by you, this work is called Key Logging.
Hacking is a negative term. And only makes sense of any wrongdoing. This is also true. Because most hacking is done for the wrong purpose. But there is another aspect to it as well.
Which we are talking about below.
Different types of hacking:-
1. Ethical Hacking
Ethical Hacking is the hacking that is done intentionally for some right purpose. This hacking is also known as White Hat and Network Penetration Tester etc.
In this type of hacking, people look for potential and existing deficiencies in networks, servers and public information systems, data centers, etc. When a flaw is found by the hackers, then that deficiency is called a bug.
No data is stolen in ethical hacking. It is neither destroyed nor changed.
Ethical hacking is completely legal and is done to protect people from potential threats. And if there is a bug, then it can be removed.
2. Malicious Hacking
That hacking, which is done for some wrong purpose and its method is illegal, is called Malicious Hacking.
In this type of hacking, your data can be stolen, it can be destroyed. Or it can also be misused.
Hacking your email account, hacking Facebook account, withdrawing money by stealing bank account information, capturing and misusing your account, etc. are included in Malicious Hacking only.
But the biggest loss of this is suffered by the government and companies. Because many types of information of crores of people are saved with them. These are the big fish in the pond. Hackers hack their data centers, servers, networks only.
And target websites and data of security agencies, police, stock markets, stock exchanges, nuclear centers, space research centers, etc.
Till now we were talking about safe hacking. Come, now let's talk about those who do this work. And know who are these people who do this type of wrong thing.
Who are hackers?
In simple words, people who do hacking are called hackers.
And if defined in technical language, those people who authorized and unauthorized access to our or any other people's computer, website, server, network or cause any kind of harm to it, are called hackers.
They have complete information about their area. And there are professional people related to computer, hardware, networking, programming.
Every hacker does his work for some particular purpose. Therefore, their work can be both legal and illegal. And the group of hackers is divided into three classes on the basis of work purpose.
Types of Hacker :-
1. White Hat Hacker
Certified Hackers are called White Hat Hackers. They do their work by taking permission and staying within the legal framework. Their aim is not to cause any kind of harm.
These hackers detect and fix bugs in the system. And strengthen the database to protect against potential threats.
Their main purpose is to find Loopholes and remove them.
2. Black Hat Hacker
Hackers who find flaws in your system or other people's systems without any permission and misuse them. These hackers are also certified or may not be.
They do all this work only for their own benefit. And stealing the data of others, they also blackmail them. They misuse their knowledge.
Their main purpose is to find the flaws in the system so that they can somehow access the data present in this system and use it for their own benefit.
3. Gray Hat Hacker
These hackers have the qualities of both types of hackers. That's why they have been named as Gray Hat Hacker.
These hackers find out the shortcomings present in the system and also remove them, hence they are also called White Hat Hacker. And when they use the data present in that system for their personal interest through these shortcomings, then they are counted in the category of Black Hat Hacker.
They deliberately create such loopholes in that system so that it can use them for its own benefit. And blackmail their bosses and do the work of extorting money by asking them face to face.
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Both these characteristics are found in these types of hackers. That's why he is called Gray Hat Hacker.
Advantages and disadvantages of ethical hacking
Ethical hacking has its advantages and disadvantages. And this thing depends on the intention of the hacker, for what purpose he is doing the hacking.
Here we are telling about some advantages and disadvantages of hacking.
1. With the help of Ethical Hacking, potential threats to CBI, Police, Stock Exchange, Nuclear Center, Space Research Center and minor deficiencies in their network, data center, system can be detected. And the danger from them can be avoided in time.
2. Cyber ​​crime prevention is possible.
3. Bugs can be rectified by finding the flaws prevalent in a system.
4. And your system can be kept safe from Black Hat Hackers.
1. Black Hat Hacker is created only with the help of Ethical Hacking. Who hack the database in an unauthorized way.
2. These banks can do huge financial loss by accessing the database.
3. They can steal the data for their personal interests and take advantage of it in many ways.
What have you learned?
In this article, we have given you complete information about hacking. Do you know who is hacking? Who is Hacking? You have also known about the advantages and disadvantages of Hacking.
We hope that this article will prove useful to you. And by sharing this article with your friends, make sure to inform them about hacking too.